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Frequently Asked Questions
If you need to cancel your order, simply log in to your account, navigate to your order history, and select the cancellation option before the order has been shipped. Should you require further assistance, our support team is readily available to help.
Orders can be modified or canceled prior to processing for shipment. Kindly contact our customer service team or utilize the self-service option available in your account. We are committed to providing a seamless shopping experience.
Yes, you may update your shipping address prior to the shipment of your order. Please log in to your account, access your order details, and make the necessary adjustments. For any additional support, our team is readily available to assist.
At BWG, we strive to deliver your orders as quickly as possible. Delivery timelines typically range from 5 to 9 business days, depending on your location. Our priority is to ensure a seamless and timely experience for you.
Yes, BWG offers free shipping on eligible orders, making your shopping experience even more rewarding.But we charge extra $10 for orders outside India. Currently we are catering to the US and UAE. Check our shipping policy for details and enjoy premium fashion without worrying about extra costs.
Our brand currently does not offer this facility. Your order will be shipped as per our timeline that is 7-9 days.
Your order will typically be dispatched within 48 hours after it is confirmed.
Should you miss your delivery, our courier will attempt a redelivery. Alternatively, you can reach out to our support team to reschedule or provide additional instructions. We're here to assist you.
Yes you can change your delivery address or mobile number before your order is shipped. Log in to your account and update the details under your order summary or contact our customer support.
Reaching our customer service team is quick and easy. You can:
- Email Us: Send your queries to our support email, and we’ll get back to you promptly.
- Contact Form: Fill out the contact form on our website, and our team will respond shortly.
We’re here to assist you with any questions or concerns.